Thursday 2 May 2013

The internet trasmits data from on computer(called a host) to another. If the receiving computer is on a network to which the first computer is directly connected, it can send the messege directly. If the receiving and sending computers are not directly connected to the same network,the sending computer relays the messege to another computer that can forward it. The messege might be sent through a router to reach the forwarding computer. The forwarding host,which presumably is attached to atleast one other network, delivers the the messege directly if it can or passest it to another forwarding host. A messege can pass through a dozen or more forwarders on its way from one part of the internet to another.
The various networks that are linked to form the internet work much the same way they pass data around in chunks called packets, each of which carries the addresses of its sender and its receivers. The set of conventions used to pass packets from one host to another is known as the internet protocol(IP).Many other protocol are used in connection with ip. The best known is the transmission control protocol (TCP)

Saturday 20 April 2013


Telecommunications is the electronic trasmission of signals for communications,which enables organisation to carry out their procces and tasks through effective computer networks.large restaurant chains for example can use telecommunication systems and satelite to link hundreds of restaurant to plants and corporate headquarters to speed credit card authorization and report sales and payroll date. NETWORK connect computers and equipment in a building around the country or around the world to enables electronic communitions. Investment firms can use wireless network to connect thousands of vestors with brokers or traders. Many hotels use wireless telecommunication allow guest to connect to the internet

Tuesday 29 January 2013

The Ebay

The founding of ebay,the internet's largest aution site offeas a classical tale of an entrepreneurial firm's beggings.Although ebay has achieved remarkable success, the story of how the company started is not began with an entreprenuer who recognized an opportunity and through passion, hard work and willingness to partner with others, built a successful entrepreneurial firm.
Pierre omidyar is a soft-spoken computer engineer. Born in france in 1967, he moved with his family to the united states as a young boy. Interested in computers from the time he was a child, omidyar graduate from tufts university with a computer science degree. After collenge, omidyar worked for claris and then left to cofound a firm called ink development, a developer of pen ink software . Ink eventually failed. But a computer system that omidyar developed for ink was salveged. In turn ,this system became the backbone of a new online retailer named eshop. Omidyar gained valuable experience helping eshop raise venture capital financing. Later,he left the company to take a position with General magic. His experiences as a young entreprenuer however would prove invaluable to his ability to conceive ,launch and transform a new venture into a remarkably successful company.
There are two vesion of how ebay started. The romantic version is that over dinner one night omidyar girlfriend(and now wife), a collector of pez dispensers.asked him if there was any way he could set up a website for collector like her. Pez dispenser are plastic tubes that dispense candy and are collector's items because they are made to look like different characters such as movie and athletes. Although this is an appealing story.(to be continued)

Monday 21 January 2013

The internet is the world largest computer network, actually consisting of thousands of interconnected networks, all freely exchanging informatiom. Research firm, colleges. Universities high school, and businesses are just few examples of organization using the internet. Some town and rural areas are investing in networks that provide wireless, highspeed acces to the internet today for about $20 per month or less. Chaska minnesoto, offers high speed internet access for about $16 per month to its 23,000 citizens.
People use the internet to reseach information buy and sell product and even making money,make travel arrangements, conduct banking, and download music and videos. Among other activities.after downloading music you can use audio software to change a song tempo,create mixture of your favorite turnes,and modify sond tracks to suite your personal taste.
A computer based information sytem (CBIS) is a single set of hardware,software,databases,telecommunications,people,and procedures that are configured to collect,manipulate,store and process data into information. For example a company's payroll,order entry or inventory-control system is an example of a CBIS. CBIS can also be embedded into products. Some new cars and home application include computer hardware,software,database and even telecommunications to control their operation and make them more useful. This is often called embedded, pervasive, or ubiquitoust computing.for more information about ITC Call +23408082534906
Information system is a set of inrerrelated element or component that collect(input),manipulate(process),store,and disseminate(output)data and information and provide a reaction(feedback mechanism) to meet an objective. The feedback mechnanism is the component that helps organization to achieve their goals, such as increasing profits or improving costomer service.
Input is the activity of gathering and capturing raw data.
PROCESSING: is the converting or transforming data into useful outputs.
OUTPUTS: is the production of useful information usually in the form of ducument and reports.

Sunday 20 January 2013

A head mounted display

The head mountain display (HMD) Was the first device to provide wearer with an immersive experience.A typical HMD house